Is Tamsulosin Like Viagra? Unveiling the Key Differences!

Is Tamsulosin Like Viagra Unveiling the Key Differences!

The inability of men to get and keep a harder erection is more common with age. The most commonly used medicine for this condition is Viagra.

There is another tablet named Tamsulosin. You must be thinking, is Tamsulosin like Viagra? Please read this article to know their key differences and what they are used for.

Is Tamsulosin Like Viagra?

These medicines have many similarities, but their primary use is different. Tamsulosin is used to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The BPH Patient has an enlarged prostate gland than the normal size.

On the other hand, Viagra is used for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. The active ingredient in Viagra, which is Sildenafil, enhances the quality of erections by increasing blood flow to the penis.

Working of Tamsulosin?

The issue of prostatic hyperplasia arises due to age. It is a gland below the urinary bladder. Urethra, which moves urine to the penis, passes through the center of the prostate gland.

When the prostate enlarges above the normal size, the urine flow is disturbed. It is because the urethra is blocked, and the patient faces the inability to empty the bladder.

Relaxation of Muscles

The use of Tamsulosin relaxes these prostate muscles. It is an Alpha-Blocker. It is a category of medicines that block cell signaling by blocking alpha-receptors. These receptors tell their cells to give instructions to cells to tighten and constrict.

If these receptors are blocked, cells cannot squeeze. Cells remain relaxed. Due to this relaxation of prostate muscles, urine can easily pass through them.

  • Do you know? The prostate is a gland that keeps growing throughout a person’s life.

Working of Viagra

The most commonly prescribed medicine for treating Erectile Dysfunction is Viagra, and it is for occasional use. This medicine belongs to a group of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors.

It blocks the action of an enzyme that breaks down the GMP in the penis. When this activity is blocked, more GMP is in the penis, allowing more blood flow to the penis. Increased blood flow means enhanced quality of erections.

  • Keep in Mind: It doesn’t work until you are sexually aroused, and take it only once a day.

Onset Duration:

Talking about Tamsulosin like Viagra, we cannot ignore this point of how long both these medicines take to show effectiveness.

1. Tamsulosin:

The effects of urinary relief from this medicine, which is best known by the brand name Flomax, are felt within the first 44-48 hours. The complete ease of urination can be achieved by using it for six weeks.

This tablet takes up to 2 weeks to show its effectiveness. After many days of regularly taking it, it starts to relieve symptoms such as difficulty in urination.

2. Viagra:

It is very fast in terms of showing effects. It takes only 30 to 60 minutes. That is why it is taken one hour before the sex. It is best when taken on an empty stomach. If you had a fatty meal, wait for at least 2 hours, then take Viagra dosage.

Available Dosage Forms:

Another major difference in knowing if Tamsulosin is like Viagra or not is to see their dosage forms. Tamsulosin is a capsule typically taken orally at strength of 0.4 mg. In generic form, the strength is the same (0.4mg).

For Viagra, the commonly recommended dosage is 50mg, but available in dosage strengths:

  • 25 milligrams (mg)
  • 50 mg
  • 100 mg

Know more about generic Viagra to find out which dosage strength fits your needs. You can buy generic Viagra online, but be careful of using fake Viagra pills.

Using Tamsulosin and Viagra Together

If a person is going through Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and ED at the same time, healthcare providers do not suggest Viagra and Tamsulosin together.

1. Reason

It is because both these tablets have ingredients that relax blood vessels and cause vasodilation. It can drop your blood pressure to such levels, which is high-risk.

2. Avoid

You should not take Tamsulosin if you have taken Viagra just a while ago. However, seeing the individual’s condition, it is very rare that someone’s doctor suggests that they both do so at the same time.

Viagra and Tamsulosin also differ in showing side effects and interactions with other medicines.


Consider all these differences if you are figuring out whether Tamsulosin Is Like Viagra. They are used for different purposes, but both have vasodilation effects.

Always consult your doctor before initiating a treatment, either with Viagra alone or combining both. Your doctor will monitor how your body reacts to these tablets and then adjust your medications.


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