Can Viagra Make Your Sperm Stronger? The Truth Revealed!

Can Viagra Make Your Sperm Stronger The Truth Revealed!

Viagra is a specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 5 and a potent therapeutic agent for male erectile dysfunction (ED). Recently, Viagra proved itself as a sperm stronger drug for the treatment of ED, which is related to the need for semen collection for assisted reproductive techniques.

Some studies suggest that Viagra is a sperm stronger drug that improves the quality of sperm. A 2017 Chinese meta-analysis found that PDE5 inhibitors, including Viagra, may increase the number of motile sperm and the number of sperm in normal shape in men with poor sperm quality.

All these factors are critical for successful fertilization because they determine how efficiently sperm are able to swim to the egg. In this article, we explore the treatment of Viagra for Sperm strength and provide a detailed overview of this topic.

Understanding the Sperm Health

Those who plan to become pregnant also may wonder about the health of sperm. Sperm health depends on many factors, including quantity, movement, and structure:

Amount of Sperms

Pregnancy is most likely to occur when a milliliter of sperm contains millions of sperm that are expelled with a single ejaculation. Having too few sperm in ejaculation can make conception difficult because there are fewer possibilities to fertilize an egg.

Movement of Sperms

To reach and fertilize an egg. The sperm must migrate and move through the woman’s cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes as they swim. Pregnancy is possible if less than 40% of sperm in ejaculate are moving, but 40% is considered the threshold. The more, the better.

Structure of Sperms

Sperms must be in their normal shape when viewed under a microscope. A common sperm has an oval head and a long tail that work together to promote the sperm. The structure and normal shape of sperm also help in this matter.

Mechanism of Viagra

Viagra, which is available in strengths of 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets, treats ED by helping erection and maintaining an erection. Viagra demonstrates this effect by improving blood flow to the penis and making sperm stronger during sexual arousal. 

Viagra belongs to a class of medications called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. An enzyme called PDE5 is effective when it blocks the enzyme’s action.

Usually, erections resolve when PDE5 breaks down cyclic GMP in the penis. But Viagra blocks the work of PDE5, so cyclic GMP can continue to work longer than usual. This effect improves blood flow to the penis, making sperm stronger and maintaining erections more likely.

Does Viagra Make Sperm Stronger?

The number and rate of progressive motile sperm were significantly increased between 15 and 135 minutes with the proper use of Viagra, which mostly contains Sildenafil Citrate. In addition, the studies showed that these effects were consistent in 90% and 45% of sperm populations.

Viagra, a prominent sperm stronger also caused a significant increase in the proportion of the acrosome-reacted sperm, with a good fraction accounting for 22.1% of the control group’s 11.8% and a poor fraction accounting for 16.6% of the control group’s 9.4%. The use of sildenafil citrate adversely affects the fertility of men.

Other medications like Libido Max Red vs. Viagra and Vidalista vs. Viagra are sometimes compared for their effects on performance. However, when it comes to sperm strength, Viagra’s role is negligible compared to lifestyle changes and medical interventions.

The Proven Ways to Strengthen Sperm

The Proven Ways to Strengthen Sperm


Drug therapy may improve the number of sperm in infertile men. Doctors may prescribe estrogen receptor antagonists, such as clomiphene citrate, which stimulates the hypothalamus in the brain and the pituitary gland.

It allows hormone production to occur, releasing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which act as a sperm stronger and increase sperm production.

D-Aspartic Acid (D-AA)

D-aspartic acid is associated with reduced sperm count because infertile men have lower levels of this amino acid. Some studies show that taking this amino acid as a supplement increases testosterone levels.

This supplement may be helpful if hormone problems cause low sperm count or exercise rate problems.

Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STI)

Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia, can cause infertility in men. Limiting the number of sexual partners and making sure they use a condom during sexual activity or having a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner can help protect against STIs.

Consuming Enough Vitamin C

Oxidative stress occurs when the body’s active oxygen species (ROS) reaches harmful levels. It may be caused by illness, older age, environmental pollutants, or a failure to practice a health-promoting lifestyle.

Exercise Regularly

Moderate and regular exercise influences sperm strength, increases powerful antioxidant enzymes, and helps protect sperm. Regular exercise has been suggested to increase testosterone levels and improve semen quality.

However, research on the optimal exercise intensity and duration level to increase male fertility varies depending on individual conditions.

Relax And Minimize Stress

When you feel stressed, you can’t get excited, but there may be more causes than not wanting to have Sex. According to the study from Trusted Source, stress and burnout syndrome are associated with erectile dysfunction and reduced sexual satisfaction.

Avoiding Certain Prescription Drugs

Some prescription drugs can decrease the production of healthy sperm. However, if men stop taking the drugs, the sperm count should return to normal or increase. Drugs that can temporarily decrease sperm production and growth include:

  • Antibiotic
  • Antiandrogen Drugs
  • Anti-Inflammatory Agent
  • Antipsychotic Drugs
  • Opiate
  • Antidepressants

The Myths About Viagra And Sperm

Myths about Viagra and spermatozoa are that Viagra impairs fertility and affects the quality of sperm, but studies show this is not true:

  • Quality of Sperm: According to research, Viagra is a sperm stronger drug and affects the motility, number, density, or percentage of abnormal sperm.
  • Fertility: There is no clear evidence that Viagra reduces the fertility of men. Viagra can even improve pregnancy rates by helping a man reliably get an erection during sexual activity.
  • Does Viagra Make You Horny?: Viagra does not directly make you feel excitement. It improves blood flow to the penis, making erections easier during pre-sexual stimulation and easier to maintain.


In conclusion, Viagra improves erectile dysfunction (ED) and the sperm’s stronger drug. According to research, Viagra seems to be able to increase the motility of spermatozoa in men with poor spermatozoa quality and make it into a normal form.

These factors are essential to successful fertilization because they help sperm reach the egg. Viagra may help erection and have a good effect on spermatozoa, but responsible use and a doctor’s examination are important.


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