10 Shocking Facts About Erectile Dysfunction You Should Ignore!

10 Shocking Facts About Erectile Dysfunction You Should Ignore!

Men need to know more about Erectile Dysfunction because a huge percentage faces this issue. So here is a concise list of facts about Erectile Dysfunction taken from reliable sources.

Knowing them will keep you away from doing such things which are damaging your penis and causing dissatisfaction in your sex life.

1. ED – An Indicator of Other Problem

Facts About Erectile Dysfunction

Most people think ED is a problem that affects only the penile erection. They immediately start taking pills to improve this condition, but the critical Fact About ED is that it can be an indicator of many underlying health issues.


For example, ED is due to poor blood flow in blood vessels, which affects your heart. This is an early indicator of cardiovascular diseases if you are not already facing them. ED, not a health issue, can be a symptom of other diseases.

2. Immoderate Alcohol Consumption

When you are having 1-2 drinks of alcohol in a week, it will not cause any harm to your reproductive system. When its consumption is more than adequate, it has serious effects on your sexual performance.


This is because testosterone levels in the body decrease due to regular intake of alcohol. Hence the specialist always recommends to get rid of with Alcohol as early as possible. 

3. Not Only Effect Elderly Men

Some people are not concerned about any symptoms of ED if they are young because they believe in the myth that ED is only for men above 40. Indeed, it is majorly a problem with older men, but it can occur at any age due to some Lifestyle Issues.

4. Mental Health Effects -An Overlooked Fact about ED

Studies have shown that individuals who are in stressful and anxious states are experiencing ED more- The chemical imbalance due to stress in the body causes the inability to maintain an erection.


ED can cause depression because of low self-esteem. Men should take care of their inner health and seek therapies. Otherwise, anxiety leads to severe outcomes if left untreated.

5. Obesity a Major Contributor

Researchers have been constantly linking obesity with ED. The circulation is affected, and this lessens blood flow to the penis. Reason diabetes is the major contributor is the use of medicines for treating diabetes, which causes ED and inflammation.


  • A study conducted in 2022 showed that men losing 10% of body weight in 2 months significantly improved their ED.
  • The authors suggested weight loss as a primary treatment for ED. Weight loss improves this condition by boosting testosterone levels.

6. Desensitization Due to Pornography

Excessive consumption of porn results in difficulty in achieving sexual arousal in real life. It is the most under-discussed fact about ED. It can at least cause erection problems, which occur suddenly due to psychological factors


Men with PIED (Porn-induced Erectile Dysfunction) struggle to get and maintain erections with real-life partners due to unrealistic expectations.

What Gary Wilson Says?

Don’t watch too much porn, as suggested by Gary Wilson, the founder of the “Your Brain on porn” community. He reported that men watching too much porn from their teenage years were more likely to face “sexual anorexia” after a study of 28000 men in Italy.

7. Smoking is Worsening Your ED

Tobacco contains thousands of chemicals, of which 250 harm human health.

  • They damage the circulatory system and constrict blood vessels.
  • The blood flow is affected, and it cannot move around the body.
  • The proper blood flow does not reach the penis causing ED.

Quit Smoking Today:

Men facing these sexual health problems must quit the habit of smoking any tobacco product as the small quantity is still harmful.


A study conducted in Iran reported that 25% of ex-smokers experience improved erections after 1 year of quitting smoking.

8. Poor Sleep Affecting Your Sexual Performance

Among the surprising facts about ED is the impact of poor sleep on causing it. Abnormal sleep patterns not only disturb overall psychological well-being but also hormonal balance. It contributes to erectile dysfunction.

Sleep Disorders:

Patients facing insomnia and sleep apnea are related to risks such as lower sexual desire and infertility.

There is no such evident study showing that better sleep patterns improve sexual performance, but proper sleep of 7-8 hours enhances the quality of lifestyle; hence, overall symptoms are reduced.


Adopt a sleep schedule and strictly follow it. Practice good sleep hygiene, which results in sound sleep and increased levels of testosterone.

9. You Don’t Need to Go to a Specialist

You might think that I should consult a specialist if I’m experiencing symptoms of ED, but the lesser-known fact about ED is that your primary doctor can prescribe medications and therapies for ED.

Common Erectile Dysfunction Pills are known as PDE5 inhibitors and are commonly available in the form of Viagra tablets. Other categories include:

These are known to be very effective in ED treatment, and you can easily find them at Damson Pharmacy.

10. You are not out of Options if Viagra Isn’t Working for You

First-line medications for ED, which everyone knows is a class of PDE5 inhibitors, and Viagra and Cialis, are the most popular brands selling these pills. They work by relaxing blood vessels, says Dr. Williams. They show peak effectiveness at different times.

Explore Other Options: 

Suppose Viagra isn’t working for you. You should explore other alternatives. However, the most important thing is to consult your healthcare provider. Who always suggest tablets & solutions according to individual’s condition.

Taking Testosterone:

These drugs may also prove to be cost-effective for you. However, taking testosterone if it is already in the normal range will not cure the condition.


Considering these shocking facts about ED should push you to change your behaviour to avoid the risks. Particularly staying away from habits that are harmful to overall health, like alcohol and smoking. The exercise shows huge improvement, proving that movement is the medicine that promotes blood flow in the ED.


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