How to Pee with Boner? Explain Everything about Peeling

How to Pee with Boner Explain Everything about Peeling

Every human organ has its function, but men have tools that work as their reproductive organs and urinary pathways. Every man must have experienced Pee with Boner, and this idea makes them conscious of its effects on the body. And there’s a lot of men who don’t know anything about this matter.

If you want to clear all your concepts and queries about the process of peeing, especially during an erection, this article is compulsory for you. We have created this informative and well-researched article based on experts’ suggestions. If you don’t want to miss any points, read on to the end.

Pee with Boner

Peeing and Boner are two very different phenomena; even our body is designed to separate these two activities. The genitals of a man are structured in a way that peeing will be resisted during an erection because of the erection of semen ejection. 

The spongy tissue expands, which pushes down the urethra, which is the urinating pathway in men. This creates resistance to peeing.

However, it is also normal for a man to have a boner or Morning Wood and desire to pee at the same time. This definitely can be uncomfortable and even painful, but it isn’t a significant issue like most men think.

Is Peeing with a Boner Risky?

Men are very sensitive about their genitals and sometimes exaggerate the facts as well. Peeing with a boner is one of the things that men do overthink and even consider very painful. There’s even a trend on the internet comparing peening with Boner as painful as giving birth, which is absurd.

However, we cannot ignore the slightest danger and risk this process can have for the man. Even the uncomfortable and slight pain can be too much for some men, especially those suffering from some sexual dysfunction.

Whenever we are struggling or forced to pee, it will cause distress. In the case of the Boner, there are some additional factors that come into play, like the pinched urethra, the forceful stream, and all that pressure. All this can cause deflection and hence should be taken care of effectively.

How to Pee with Boner?

How to Pee with Boner

Once you have the erection and desire for peeing, there is nothing else you can do except for peeing. Now, this can be difficult and even painful. But there are some helpful tips to make this process less hurtful and uncomfortable.

A urologist, Rena Malik, explained this issue explicitly and shared some tips to help the men. We have also shared some additional details following the expert’s suggestions.

Message the Bladder

The reason you can’t Pee with Boner easily is that your bladder is under pressure but cannot eject the urine as the erection muscles are resisting it. No, to resolve this issue, you have to relax the bladder muscles so the pressure can be reduced and urine can pass by.

The right area where you should massage is above the pubic bone. This is the area of the bladder, and massaging with slight pressure will ease urination. The experts also recommend not to be too forceful as it will cause more pain.

Sit Down

Sitting down during Boner also helps with losing it. Also, as the genital muscles are resisting the bladder to release the urine, by sitting down, you will expand the spongy tissue and allow the urine to pass.

For more help, you can also hold something held along the bladder. The heat will soothe the muscles, help the bladder relax, and pass urine without too much pressure.

Create a Distraction

To resolve the issue of Pee with Boner, we might need to use the usual method we use to uphold or release the erection. That creates a distraction so our mind can go off the Boner and the nerves can be relaxed.

One way to do so at a spot in the bathroom is by turning on the faucet. The loud noise will distract you from the Boner and peeing as well. For some, noise also helps them urinate. 

Hold the Breath

If you lose the Boner, it will help with the urination. So, to lose the erection, holding your breath always works. By holding your breath, you control your blood circulation in the body. The heart pumps the blood to the important organs only, and you will lose the Boner within a few seconds.

So next time you are about to Pee with Boner, just hold your breath for a few seconds and lose the erection. After that, peeing will be as easy as usual.

Do Medications Cause Peeing with Boner?

As we have mentioned earlier, men with sexual disorders are more sensitive about the phenomena of Pee with Boner. They consider that the medications they are taking, especially ones for premature ejaculation, like Filagra DXT Plus, are causing the problem and causing them pain.

In reality, there is no proof that medications can cause this peeing or erection problem in men. This is just an ordinary collision of events of our penis which cannot be considered as a side effect of any drug.

However, we do recommend that if you are seeing this happening to you after taking certain ED drugs, make sure the quality of the pill is right. Get your medications from Damson Pharmacy to ensure the pills are 100% original and genuine and don’t cause funny reactions.

Bottom Line

Unsearched ideas cause confusion and stress. We believe a person should look into facts before accepting them. To Pee with Boner is a very painful and concerning idea, but it isn’t as risky as most believe. By knowing the right information, you can free your mind from rumors like Cenforce D, like ED pills cause this problem.

In this article, we have tried our best to explain the idea of peeing with an erection and share all the important points a man should know about. If you still have concerns, you should visit a doctor. Also, ensure you are getting your medications from Damson Pharmacy to avoid any risk to quality.


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