How To Treat High Testosterone In Males

How To Treat High Testosterone In Males

Just like any other element in the body, testosterone levels should also be balanced. Low or High Testosterone In Males can cause various symptoms in the body which can affect him physically or mentally. Testosterone in men helps in the production of sperm, enhances libido regulations, and increases bone and muscle mass.

Although low testosterone is bad for men, high testosterone is also not good either. It can cause various health problems including an enlarged prostate gland, increased libido, and muscle mass, testicular shrinking, etc. So to avoid any risks of high testosterone levels, let’s learn more about its symptoms and causes so you can treat it on time.

What is High Testosterone in Males?

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women however it is less in females than males. High Testosterone levels are a condition in males that is medically known as hyperandrogenism which causes an imbalance in this hormone and unhealthy changes in the body. This can become severe if not treated on time and can cause sexual, physical, and mental problems.

According to the data of around 9000 men living in Europe and the USA collected for research done in 2017 concluded that the normal testosterone level range in men is 264-916 ng/dl. If the testosterone level is above this range then it should be considered as high.

However, some researchers like The American Urological Association consider above 600 of testosterone as high levels. Furthermore, men having low testosterone levels can easily get treatments like Cernos Gel. High testosterone levels cannot be treated without proper examination. So, we should learn more about its symptoms and causes.

Symptoms of High Testosterone in Males

Some sudden negative changes in body and behavior can be the symptoms of underlying problems like high testosterone. Similarly, some symptoms of this problem are as follows:

  • Acne
  • Aggressive behavior and harmful actions 
  • Heart and liver problems 
  • High libido and sex drive
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Swelling of limbs
  • Abnormal weight gain
  • Increased appetite 
  • Difficulty in urination 
  • Sudden increase in hair growth 

If you are feeling these symptoms then you should get a health checkup done as soon as possible. Moreover it is also possible that these symptoms are caused by medicines like Testosterone Cypionate.

Causes of High Testosterone in Males

Abnormal testosterone levels can be caused by various changes in the body such as:

  • Anabolic steroids which are usually used to build muscle mass can cause this problem. So we should try to take limited steroids prescribed by dieticians.
  • Adrenal tumors which can be cancerous or benign are also one of its causes.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a health condition in men which can also increase this hormone in men. 
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia can also be an underlying condition causing an imbalance in this hormone. However, it can be treated by using medicines like Dutaheal 0.5mg, used only if prescribed by a doctor.
  • Cushing syndrome is another health condition that affects the pituitary gland resulting in increased levels of testosterone.
  • Some kinds of medicines can also cause this problem therefore you should tell your doctor if you are using any drug.
  • A study done in 2021 also shows that masturbation can also result in more testosterone in men.

Diagnosis of High Testosterone Levels 

After self-examining the symptoms if you feel like your testosterone levels are abnormal then you should go for a checkup. Furthermore, your health consultant should use the methods mentioned below to give a confirmed diagnosis of this problem.

Physical Examination

Doctors will perform a physical examination to check for symptoms like acne, abnormal muscle mass, aggressive behavior, and increased libido. 

Blood Tests

After a physical examination if your doctor feels that you have a hormone imbalance then he will suggest doing a blood test for confirmation. This is often done in the morning as the testosterone secretion is high in the morning.

Additionally, doctors might also do glucose and cholesterol tests because high testosterone can affect them.

Treatment for High Testosterone in Males 

Doctors will prescribe medication for this depending on what condition is causing high testosterone levels. So some possible treatments used by many doctors to control hormone levels in males are as follows:


First of all your doctor will tell you to stop taking steroids if you’re using them already. Moreover, where medicines like Cernos Soft Gelatin Capsule can help in treating low testosterone levels, it should also be avoided in this condition.

Furthermore, some drugs that are often prescribed by doctors to reduce testosterone are as follows:

  • Ketoconazole also known as Nizoral is a steroid synthesis inhibitor that can be used to treat Cushing disease prohibiting high testosterone.
  • Alpha reductase inhibitors are used for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia which is also a cause of hormone imbalance.
  • People with prostate cancer might also have high levels of testosterone so medicines like Degarelix can treat it.

Treatment for Tumors

Tumor can also grow testosterone production but it’s a very rare cause. However, for treating the tumor the doctors might suggest you:

  • Chemotherapy 
  • Surgery 
  • Radiation therapy 

Foods to Treat High Testosterone in Males


Mint is an ingredient that can be easily found in every house but only a few people know about its abundance of benefits. Research done on mint suggests that it can lower testosterone levels in males if consumed for a few days.

Licorice Root 

It is a well-known herbal remedy used for many purposes from treating fever to chronic pain. However, it was found in an experiment done in  2003 that this herb can reduce testosterone levels within a week of consumption.


Nuts are always very healthy natural food that includes fibers, minerals, omega-3 many more nutrients. Similarly, it is found that consuming nuts for some time can help in balancing hormones like testosterone.


This is a kind of seed which is very healthy for the heart and has fibers & various healthy nutrients beneficial for the whole body. Furthermore, it is also used to reduce symptoms of prostate cancer and is also helpful for reducing testosterone in men.


Hormonal imbalances such as High Testosterone In Males can be the reason for many underlying conditions. Therefore consulting a doctor on time is better than self-treatment and avoids any severe problems that may occur if it’s not controlled.


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