What Is Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSIAD)?

What Is Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSIAD)

Female sexual problems can become worse if ignored however lack of awareness about them makes them get neglected easily. Therefore it is crucial to know about such conditions as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder and treat such conditions on time.

 So here we have some useful information about this disease and further we will talk about its prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and additional health tips. So read till the end and be aware of these conditions to prevent them or get rid of them easily.

What is Female Sexual Arousal Disorder?

Female Sexual dysfunction is the second most common sexual problem in women around the world. It refers to a condition of lack of sexual desire or inability of females to orgasm. This condition can be caused by severe health conditions and females should be aware of them to prevent or treat them.

There are three types of Female Sexual Disorder which are as follows:

Genital Arousal Disorder

It happens when a woman can feel sexual desire but cannot stimulate her genitals along with decreased genital lubrication etc. This is a physical disorder and can be treated with medicines. Similarly, it does not need psychotherapy as this type of sexual problem is not related to the mind.

Subjective Arousal Dysfunction

This type is also called hypoactive sexual desire disorder or HSDD, which happens when the sexual organs respond properly to the stimulation but there is a lack of sexual desire. This is a psychological condition and depends on the mental health of women. 

Depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems can lead to this condition. Similarly, more than medicinal treatments, therapies and healthy surroundings will help women to recover more easily.

Combined Arousal Disorder

Combined arousal disorder occurs when a woman is unable to get sexual stimulation for both mental and physical reasons. In this condition, women don’t get the sexual desire and not are stimulated sexually. So, this condition needs both psychological and physiological treatment.

The Causes of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder 

Arousal is a process of the body that produces natural lubricant after a series of chain reactions in the body and causes vaginal swelling. However, anything that interrupts these bodily processes can cause this problem in females. Similarly, there can be several psychological, physical, and hormonal problems that may lead to this problem.

The Psychological Causes of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

Mental health is also very important for maintaining sexual health, especially for Women’s Health. Similarly, a lot of stress and anxiety can cause severe physical health problems if not treated on time. Some psychological conditions that can cause this sexual disorder include:

  • Low self-esteem 
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Relationship problems
  • Negative thinking or overthinking problems
  • Trauma

Physical Causes

It is crucial to have good physical health for all organs to work properly including sexual organs. Similarly, these conditions are often treated by medicines like Duphaston 10. Some physical conditions that can lead to this problem are as follows:

  • Insufficient blood flow to the vagina
  • Pelvis conditions such as nerve damage
  • Infection of sexual organs
  • Thinning or drying of vaginal tissues

Hormonal Problems

Hormonal problems can sometimes be the reason for Female Sexual Dysfunction. It is also treatable and can be cured if diagnosed on time. These hormonal conditions include:

  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Using birth control pills that affect hormones

Other Causes of FSIAD

Other factors that affect women’s sexual health and can cause Arousal issues are:

  • Some heavy medicines like antidepressants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Medical treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, or surgeries can also cause this problem
  • Diabetes or inadequate stimulation can also cause FSIAD

The Symptoms of Sexual Arousal Disorder in Women

There are some specific symptoms of this problem from which women can understand if they have this condition. Similarly, it is better to recognize these symptoms to help in diagnosis and treatment. The signs of this condition include:

  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Decreased sexual stimulation 
  • Hating the thought of having an intercourse 
  • Lack of genital sensations while having sex
  • Decreased pleasure during intercourse 

Women may feel these symptoms every time or occasionally while having intercourse. If anyone is feeling these types of symptoms then they should consult a doctor to prevent this condition before it gets worse. 

Similarly, self-diagnosis should be avoided in this situation as it can lead to more harmful health conditions.

The Diagnosis of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder 

The earlier sexual dysfunctions are diagnosed, the faster it is treated. Similarly, correct and on-time diagnosis is crucial to treat any health condition including sexual disorders. Therefore, the diagnosis must be done by specialists before starting the treatment.

Doctors first ask questions related to the symptoms you are feeling to understand the situation. If they suspect that is sexual dysfunction then they will do a pelvic test or overall blood count test to evaluate your condition. Moreover, if these tests don’t conclude your situation as a physical problem then your doctor can refer you to a psychiatrist to get treated.

The Treatment of Female Sexual Arousal Disorder 

This sexual problem in females is curable and can be easily treated if directed by good physicians or specialists. Furthermore, it should not be ignored as it can become severe with time and can be difficult to treat later. Some common treatments for this problem are:

If your doctor suggests then you can Buy Femalefil 10mg to treat this condition. It is only for females and should not be used if not prescribed. Similarly, other medicinal treatments available are prescribed by doctors according to the physical health factors of the patient.

Hormone therapy is another treatment for this problem, it can be done when the cause of the disorder is an unusual hormonal change. Furthermore, if it’s a psychological problem then you should get help from a therapist and actively try to maintain your both physical and mental health.

Bottom Line 

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder which is often left ignored is a serious problem and can cause severe conditions if not treated on time. Therefore awareness about it is important to diagnose it and cure it. Therefore if you are suffering from any of the symptoms as mentioned above then you should a doctor as soon as possible.


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