Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction: Does water help?

Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction Does water help

Erectile Dysfunction is now becoming a common problem in men and it can be caused by various health problems. Similarly many people have asked if there’s any link between dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction. 

So let’s learn more about ED and how dehydration can affect the sexual health of a man. Furthermore, here we will tell you about how you can prevent and treat ED. Similarly, we have detailed information on dehydration and how to reduce it so read till the end.

Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction; Is There Any Link?

Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by physical weakness and low blood flow. Similarly, dehydration might not be directly linked to ED. However, it can cause physical weakness and low blood volume which can cause sexual dysfunction in men.

Dehydration can also cause tiredness which can affect men’s sexual stamina and cause a lack of sexual arousal. Temporarily it can be treated and you can Buy Cenforce 200mg to treat it.

Furthermore, Angiotensin II is produced when a person is dehydrated and this enzyme is linked to sexual dysfunction in men. However, depth research on dehydration and angiotensin is yet to be done.

How Water Can Help?

Not enough water can cause low blood volume which will influence the blood flow due to constriction of blood vessels. So there will be less blood circulation around the body parts including the penis. 

Therefore, blood flow in the penis is necessary for getting ejaculation and if there’s not enough blood then it will cause ED. Similarly pills like Fildena Super Active work accordingly and enhance the blood flow to treat the problem properly.

Water can also maintain the release of such enzymes that will help in preventing the contraction of blood vessels and give a healthy blood flow. Similarly, drinking enough water will enhance sexual performance.

Symptoms Of Dehydration

Symptoms Of Dehydration

It will be easier for you to prevent severe dehydration if you know the symptoms. Therefore, here is a list of signs of dehydration that you should know so you will never have to face this problem. 

  • Dry mouth
  • Dark urine
  • Fatigue 
  • Dizziness 
  • Thirst

Drinking enough water will result in clear urine color so it is a good sign that you don’t have dehydration. Moreover, it will also help you Control Sexual Desire and enhance your physical health. Furthermore, some severe signs of dehydration are listed below:

  • Confusion 
  • Feeling extremely thirsty even after drinking water
  • Fewer sweats even when it is warm
  • Low blood pressure 
  • Less urine 
  • Faster heart rate

How to Prevent Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction?

ED and dehydration both can be easily avoided. Similarly, you just have to change a few things in your lifestyle and diet and you can get a perfect dehydrated body. So here are some tips that will help you prevent dehydration.

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water in 24 hours.
  • Avoid sugary drinks like soda, juices, and energy drinks.
  • Caffeine and alcohol can increase urination unnecessarily which can lead to dehydration so it should be avoided.
  • Drink more water in warmer weather and eat dehydrating foods like melon, watermelon, cucumber, etc.
  • Use fewer such drugs that can cause Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction like blood pressure medicines, alpha-blockers, diuretics, etc.

When Drinking Enough Water Will Not Help?

Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction is not always linked and there can be many other reasons that might be causing you erection difficulty. Therefore it is crucial to know what is causing ED. Moreover, if dehydration is not the problem drinking water will not work and you must consult a doctor.

Some other problems that can be the reason for ED, so below we have mentioned possible disorders:

  • Low hormone levels
  • Heart diseases
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes 
  • Low blood volume
  • Reaction to certain medicines
  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption 
  • Anxiety Depression 
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Venous leak

These are only some causes of ED and it is not necessary that you might have one of them. However, to treat ED you must find the root problem.

When to Seek Medical Help?

ED cannot always be caused by a serious underlying problem so you should not overthink. Similarly, many people who overthink can make ED a long-term problem because of anxiety and stress. However, ED can become severe if left untreated so let’s see when you should seek help.

Prolonged ED or unusual symptoms like painful erection etc are symptoms that you should get a health checkup. So, your doctor should run some blood tests even if there’s not a big problem just to ensure that there’s no underlying problem.

You can also find effective ED pills on Damson Pharmacy and can treat your problem quickly. However, consulting a doctor is a must to ensure a healthy recovery with side effects.

Best Remedies for Dehydration

Here we have some natural remedies and tips that you can do to prevent or treat Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction.

Foods for Staying Hydrated

You must eat healthy foods even if you don’t have ED. Similarly, you should start having watermelon, cucumber, pomegranate juice, etc. Moreover, coconut water is one of the best drinks for hydration and replenishing electrolytes.

Changing Unhealthy Habits

Besides hydration, more things that can cause this disease are lifestyle habits such as an unhealthy sleeping schedule, no exercise, and not enough rest for the mind and body. Therefore, you should follow a healthy schedule and prioritize your health over anything.

Drinking a lot of caffeine and alcohol can also cause Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction so these two things should be avoided or consumed in limit.

Natural Herbs

Natural herbs like Ginseng, L-arginine, Cayenne pepper, and pine bark extract can enhance blood flow and prevent the body from dehydration. However, these are just some remedies that might slowly give you results not as quickly as medicines like Extra Super Vidalista. Similarly, results are not always guaranteed.

Bottom Line

Dehydration and Erectile Dysfunction can be caused side by side as these can be sometimes connected. Moreover, if you have read the above tips then you should not worry as now you know all the important information that will help you recover.


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